Local Service District Trustees

Local Service District Trustees on March 4, 1975: Alex J. Penney, Chair Roy A. Adams Gilbert Peddle Jack D. Penney Leslie Warren Jesse Stead On Oct. 21, 1975, Gilbert Peddle submitted his letter of resignation. On Jan. 14, 1976, Alex J. Penney passed away. On...

Local Service District Trustees

Local Service District Trustees on May 18, 1973: Alex J. Penney  – Chair Jack D. Penney Leslie Warren Sidney Matthews Jesse Stead Roy A. Adams Gilbert J. Peddle

Local Service District Trustees

Port Blandford became an incorporated Local Service District in 1971. This designation created a formal structure for the town, with trustees appointed by the Provincial Government. The first meeting of the Trustees took place on October 22nd, 1971. The Trustees were:...